Beautifully written. It brings his life to the forefront for awhile which is nice. I never met him, but I enjoyed learning more about his accomplishments!

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You are writing awesome articles about him. Can’t wait for the book. I have many fond memories of staying at their house. When myself, and my brothers and sisters, would come to visit, Uncle Aubrey would pick us up at the Greyhound Station and take us to get ice cream at the Dairy Queen before heading to the house.

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Mr Aubrey La Haye was a great friend of my father, Fulton (Red Bacon). They were friends growing up & remained friends all their lives. Both were bankers, businessmen, cattlemen & involved in politics. Miss Emily was my Dad’s cousin. We often visited with them & always enjoyed their company. They shared many of the same values. They helped others in need, were very generous with their time & possessions. They loved their families & their culture. Their homes welcomed those who came for help & just to visit. I miss them both.

Alice Bacon Guillotte

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I had the opportunity to serve with Mr Aubrey on several boards. He was a man of few words but when he spoke, people listened. At the age of 29, I sat with him after a meeting and asked if he could help me with financing for my home. He listened to every word I had to say and quickly gave me an answer. He told me to go ahead with my plans. He was a man of his word. He forever made a lasting impression to me. It saddened me when word came out that he was abducted. I joined community efforts in attempting to locate him. He was someone I respected greatly

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Jordan your great grandfather was on the board for one of the news channels I think it was channel 3 and they had a meeting in Lafayette one time not long before he died… It was Cousin Aubrey and cousin Elvin on the board… My cousin Stephanie was married to one of Elvin’s grandsons and so cousin Alvin asked me and Stephanie to drive them to their board meeting… I will never forget that trip… Cousin all pre-had a hard time seeing and Cousin Elvin could not hear…. after they finished their board meeting we went to get ice cream on the way home I will never forget that trip to Lafayette 😊

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Aubrey was my Dads first cousin.we had moved to California but I spent all of my school summer vacations in Louisiana, until I was 17.

Aubrey made you feel like you were important!

His son Glenn was one of my favorites too!

Way too much tragedy for such wonderful people!

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