Jordan, this article gave such dignity to the Crawfish Barn, it's builders and patrons. It was
a place to have fun and share delicious meals. Now I'm really missing my favorite order: fried green beans, boiled shrimp and a beer. I hope that someone will rebuild a restaurant on that spot. Our community needs it.
Thank you for honoring this Vidrine icon. I grew up across the street from the Barn and worked as a server for Mr. Johnny in high school. I believe that job is what rooted me in seeking employment in places that offered joy and good company. It was also the first place my husband, who is from NC, ate boiled crawfish. I hope to be able to take my daughter (who's almost two) to eat in some new iteration of the Barn someday.
This is a wonderfully written story. I'm so sad for the owners. I did offer them my old bank bldg if they wanted to keep running the restaurant while they rebuild.
The Crawfish Barn has always been part of my life. When my parents moved back home to Evangeline Parish when I was born in 1972 my Dad(Robert,Sr) worked for the LaHaye families.
My bother was born in John Lahaye’s house. We were living there when I started school.
I saw “The Crawfish” for many years every day.
When John Lahaye’s house burned down a few years ago it hurt my heart. And this past weekend my heart sank again when I learned one of my childhood memories burned.
Jordan, this article gave such dignity to the Crawfish Barn, it's builders and patrons. It was
a place to have fun and share delicious meals. Now I'm really missing my favorite order: fried green beans, boiled shrimp and a beer. I hope that someone will rebuild a restaurant on that spot. Our community needs it.
Love this piece, Jordan. Well done!
Thank you for honoring this Vidrine icon. I grew up across the street from the Barn and worked as a server for Mr. Johnny in high school. I believe that job is what rooted me in seeking employment in places that offered joy and good company. It was also the first place my husband, who is from NC, ate boiled crawfish. I hope to be able to take my daughter (who's almost two) to eat in some new iteration of the Barn someday.
This is a wonderfully written story. I'm so sad for the owners. I did offer them my old bank bldg if they wanted to keep running the restaurant while they rebuild.
The Crawfish Barn has always been part of my life. When my parents moved back home to Evangeline Parish when I was born in 1972 my Dad(Robert,Sr) worked for the LaHaye families.
My bother was born in John Lahaye’s house. We were living there when I started school.
I saw “The Crawfish” for many years every day.
When John Lahaye’s house burned down a few years ago it hurt my heart. And this past weekend my heart sank again when I learned one of my childhood memories burned.